Вы можете использовать СС чекер для возврата средств на нашем сайте. Для этого надо выполнить несколько условий:
1. Убедитеcь что у карты есть опция Refund равна YES и положите карту в корзину. Карта купленная по одному щелчку не может быть возвращена и не может быть проверена чекером.
2. Выполните покупку в корзине. Только карты купленные из корзины подлежат возврату.
3. Карты имеющие опцию Refund после покупки видны вверхнем списке "Cards to check" на странице Cards. Вы можете запустить проверку карту нажав на зеленую кнопку Check
4. После запуска проверки карты, откроется страница со всеми данными карты и стартует таймер, в течении которого вы имеете возможность сделать возврат. За это временя вы можете вручную проверить валидность карты, и если карта не валидна, нажать на кнопку Refund чтобы сделать возврат. Если таймер истечет, то карта считается валидной автоматически и не может быть возвращена.
5. Как только вы нажали на кнопку Refund, автоматически запускается проверка карты в чекере. Чекер в течении короткого времени проверит данную карту, и если карта окажется не валидная, то он удалит её, а потраченные на неё деньги - вернет обратно. Если же карта окажется валидной, то статус проверки сменится на "Approved by CC checker" и карта будет считаться валидной и не подлежащей возврату.
6. Если вы не согласны что карта является валидной, то вы можете нажать на кнопку Challenge и отправить карту на ручную проверку администратору. Администратор в течении енкоторого времени проверит данную карту и вернет деньги, если карта окажется невалидной, или откажет в возврате.

You can use the CChecker to refund money in the shop. But you need to do a some conditionals:
1. Make sure that the card has Refund option with YES value and put in the basket. The purchased cards by one-click method cannot be refund and cannot be processed in CChecker.
2. Make purchase in the basket. Only purchased cards in basket able to refund.
3. The cards having the Refund option after purchase should be presented in top "Cards to check" list on Cards page. You have to press on green "Check" button to open an card page and start a check.
4. When card page is opened you can see the all card details and the timer during this period you has ability to make a refund this card. You should make a validation of the card details yourself and if you guess that data is not valid please click on "Rufund" button to rollback the money. When check period is over the card becomes valid by user automatically and cannot be refund.
5. When you click on Refund button the CChecker begins to check this card at short time and if the card is invalid then the card will be deleted and spent money will be back to balance. But if Checker detects that card data is valid the check status will change to "Approved by CC checker" and card will be considered valid and unavaiable to refund.
6. If you don't agree that card is valid you may click on "Challenge" button and send card to manual check by administrator. Admin will check the card details during some time and make refund or reject to refund if admin will decided that card is valid.

We are looking for the sellers with a good CVV/NO_CVV material! The tox for sellers is 8CAA8351668DE37EA881DF092DC85531F77B27693B75FD672599B1153CB5DA3D9491BC97C97B

Our service is not responsible for the information about the cardholder: address, city, state, zip code, phone, ext, ssn, mmn, name, etc.
Our service does NOT refund money from the account balance.
The service does NOT refund money for cards marked as valid on our checker.
The service does NOT refund funds on NO REFUND cards.

Our store is not responsible for the balance on the card.

This is the day we changed the way to refund money for dead card. Now you may refund after purchasing instead of during transaction. Below the short instruction how to make that:

  1. Buy the cards from basket as usual. You may refund money only purchasing from basket. Warning: you cannot make refund for card that has been purchased by click-once way.
  2. Go to my cards page after purchasing and you may see the card list on page top where you may select card to validate and refund if it's dead.
  3. Click on "Check" button for specified card and you go to special page where you may read and copy card data to check that. We will have the specified period time when you will be have ability to make refund of this card. Please follow the timer. If you don't refund in this period this card will be marked automatically as "Approved by User". You cannot make refund if validation period is expired.
  4. If you press on Refund button the system checks card in CC checker and refund money if it will be declined.
  5. If the checker approves the card it marks as "Approved by CC checker" and make a charge $1.
  6. If you don't agree with this status you may press on "Challenge" button and this card will be consider by admins in manual mode.
  7. Bids - here you enter the desired BIN and set your price, then click Update. If this BIN is already participating in the auction, then you can bid higher.
    If your bid is glowing green, then the bid is valid and you have the highest price, if the bid is glowing red, then someone has bid higher and you can see the current price for this BIN and bid higher if you want.
  8. No need to write to the ticket and beg for money or ask for a refund for the card. We have a CHECKER and the ability to CHALLENGE the decision of the checker. If these two methods did not help you, then the operator will not help either.

We are not responsible for BIN mismatch. Our store connected with up to date BIN database but to be sure on 100% please check BINs manually.

Warning! The refund actions are limited and depend on how many cards you purchased and how much money you spent. If your limit is exceeded you should just purchase new cards to raise your quota.